سبعة مشروبات بديلة للقهوة الصباحية

صباحكم سعيد مع بداية كل صباح قبل العمل وحتى في أيام العطلات، نبحث قبل وجبة الإفطار عن مشروب القهوة السحري حتى نستطيع الاستيقاظ والانتباه أكثر.  -Metabolism Rate-لا ننكر فوائد شرب القهوة في الصباح، حيث أنها تعمل على زيادة معدل الحرق بالإضافة إلى تقليل فرص الإصابة بالأورام الخبيثة مثل سرطان الكبد وسرطان الأمعاء، والعديد من الفوائد […]

5 tips for a happy life

Do you ever feel completely helpless and lousy? I have good news – this happens to everyone, and this is why you can choose either to dive into this feeling or remind yourself that all feelings are ok. In this article, I will talk about happy habits. I will show you how to remind yourself: […]

How to Drink More Water for Body and Soul?

How to Drink More Water for Body and Soul

Ah, water – clear, pure water, with a tricking sound like music. Home to the fish, salvation to the thirsty, relief to the sunburned vacationer. But who does actually give this life-giving substance the attention it deserves? Not most of us. Get tired and don’t know why? Water is ‘basic.’ It’s not something that crosses […]

Dances of Universal Peace

A crowd of people in a circle, meditative music, simple dance movements, and mantras from a wide variety of world faiths all meld together… Attending a Dance of Universal Peace is an unforgettable experience. In hundreds of dances across the globe, people around the world gather in spiritual centers, churches, schools, therapy groups, and even […]

التأمل والبيئة

للتأمل أنواع، ومن أحد أنواع التأمل هو المشي في الطبيعة او ما يعرف ب “تأمل المشي“. والبعض يفضل المشي على الجلوس في الحديقة أو على الشاطئ. فسكون الطبيعة وجمالها يساعد الفرد في إيجاد الانسجام والتوازن. ولا أهدف من هذا المقال تعزيزفكرة أن مكان التأمل هو الطبيعة، بل من الممكن أيضًا ممارسة التأمل في المكتب أو […]

8 Habits to Change for a Better Night’s Sleep

habits for better night sleep

According to data from the CDC, more than 30-percent of American adults don’t get enough sleep. To most people, this statistic doesn’t cause much concern. Western culture sees a lack of sleep as a positive cultural aspect. After all, if you’re not getting enough sleep, it’s because you’re getting things done in your life. “I’ll […]

The Universal Values Behind Successful People

I grew up watching a lot of successful people on TV. When I entered university, I started working part-time for the hospitality industry where I got to meet many of these people too. It always interested me how they got to be where they were. So on a faithful day, a friend of mine named […]

What is Your Motive for Giving?

I read somewhere that ‘it is easier for smaller communities to live in peace and harmony than bigger communities.’ I cannot attest to the truism of this, but I know from personal experience that the less we have, the happier we become. It is normal to find people in my community giving to the poor […]