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5 tips for a happy life

Do you ever feel completely helpless and lousy? I have good news – this happens to everyone, and this is why you can choose either to dive into this feeling or remind yourself that all feelings are ok. In this article, I will talk about happy habits. I will show you how to remind yourself: things will be fine, even in those moments when everything seems hopeless.

1. Exercise every day 

Your body and mind are interconnected, at this point of your being alive they cannot be separated. Everything you do to your body will affect your mind. Do something good for your body: 1) exercise, it will change chemical balance and make you happier; 2) get a massage and give yourself enough relaxation; 3) always sleep enough. People who don’t sleep end up being useless walking around like zombies.

2. Make it a rule of thumb to smile at strangers

When you learn to be nice to those people you don’t know, you will also be nicer to yourself. Go in front of the mirror and frown – how does it feel? Now smile – how does it feel? No comment. Smile as much as you can!

3. Happy surprises for your loved ones with attention and gifts

Humans are empathetic beings. Our mirroring neurons can literally make us feel what another person is feeling at the moment. When people around you are happy, satisfied, grateful, so will be you. Become the creator of good human environment for yourself – surprise your loved one with a cup of tea, a pleasant gift, a massage, or a chore that you do for them.

4. Take yourself on a date

When you go on a date alone, you can do exactly what you want, no need to compromise anything. This practice is important for two reasons: 1) you allow yourself to want something; 2) you practice asking yourself what you want and giving it to yourself. Once you do it, you become happier, and people around you react to your happiness, mirroring you. Learn more about artist dates and creativity recovering in Julia Cameron’s book the Artist Way.

5. Humans have feelings. It is ok to feel what you feel.

– I want to feel everything this life brings me, – my friend said.

– I want to only feel happy all the time,  I don’t care about anything else, – I responded.

Looking back to this conversation which happened 3 years ago, I realize how blind it was of me to expect myself always to be happy. It is like having sunny days without nighttime or rain, like summers without winters. It is ok, but a bit flavourless. Whenever you encounter a state you aren’t enjoying, or feeling something weird and uncomfortable, I congratulate you – you are out of your comfort zone, and you are growing! It is one of the most amazing and rewarding experiences in life to grow! Go for it and be brave! Growth will reward you with happiness, and once you drop your expectations of always being happy, you will see how you let go a lot of tension too.

Which one of these tips will you practice today? Let me know in comments!

When you need to relax and reset yourself from this busy world, do a ten minute guided meditation. If you enjoy it, consider joining our free 42 days online self-development program.

Remember – only you decide how bright you shine.

Love is real, good things happen and we will be ok.

If you enjoyed this article, read more of me in Morning rituals to start your day,  How to sit during meditation and  4 ways traveling makes you grow.



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