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The reset button we all need: an experience from Alafia fellowship

On the morning of 11th September 2019, I packed my suitcases to begin the experience of a lifetime. Having completed the online 42-day inner peace time (IPT) journey on Peace Revolution platform, I was given the opportunity to participate in Alafia Youth Empowerment fellowship in Ivory Coast (Côte d’ivoire), which was based on achieving peace through meditation. A meditation camp on an island! Sounds fun, right? I bet you are anxious to anticipate how it unfolds.

Little things in life matter

As young millennial professionals, we struggle to keep a stable mental health to survive an overwhelming life. Our brains have at least five tabs open at the same time just like a computer processor. How can we achieve mindfulness this way?

We live in a world where almost everyone is angry these days, and it’s quite a Herculean task having to focus your mind. As difficult and impossible as it appears, just take a deep breath…3,2,1…and breathe out the bad energy, let it stay far away.

At the camp we were trained by Thai Monks to center our minds in our day-to-day activities. From the most basic activity as laying your bed to even eating. According to the US Navy Seals, it has been proven that laying one’s bed reinforces that the little things in life matter.

Focusing on internal energies within

Living on an island, we also had the luxury of appreciating nature during our sessions – the beach and the lagoon to accomplish the Sabai (relaxation) feeling. The gentleness of the lagoon vis-à-vis the waves of the ocean against a full moon at night or dawn! A beautiful graphic scenery!

Often than not, it is very easy for the mind to wander and get distracted but it takes skill and discipline to focus the mind in a relaxing way. This way, we also develop the skill to let go of all external distractions, focusing on the internal energies that we all possess.

Personally, my mind cleared and I couldn’t be more confident. Hence, this is the reset button to the factory settings that we all need once in a while.

Why not sign up today for a life changing experience and start your meditation journey!

“You cannot give out happiness if you are unhappy.” Peace Revolution

Peace In! Peace Out! PIPO!!

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