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Meditation: A part of the day

Sometimes when mentioning to friends or some people that I meditate, they usually ask back: “So, basically what you do is thinking of nothing, isn’t it?”. Actually, meditation is relatively more complex than that, at least in my eyes – not literally. There are already many books on different meditation types, techniques, etc. In this brief text, you will not find that — however, you’ll read on a more casual daily-basis approach.

Meditation will flourish in you

Meditation is an everyday time for finding peace within oneself, allowing the silence to do its job, and coming back to the roots of your inner self. There is a great deal of inner wisdom there.

To meditate, like with most things in life, it is necessary to have a proper technique (which is quite different from sleeping or not thinking about anything). They are nevertheless great ways of relaxing yourself.

It is also crucial to find the right guidance, and I would say that it is necessary to develop the habit (meditation requires consistency and effort). If I may add — to even create and practice different behavioral patterns in your life repertoire. It will significantly support your practice.

Once you have that, meditation will eventually flourish in you, as a well-planted and adequately watered seed, with care, love, and patience.

A daily reminder of what truly matters

In his book Meditations, the Roman Emperor Marco Aurelio referred to the concept of inner calmness, writing about the Inner fortress. For me, practicing meditation adds the sense of being peaceful within a limitless core.

To assemble it, the practice is necessary, the right intention plus commitment within yourself, and the world around you. Then, with lovely patience, nurturing, and doing, the real bosom eventually and progressively comes.

Meditation is a daily reminder of what truly matters, a practice that supports a clearer view, thinking, and feeling. Those will bring more understanding, better decision making, and peace inside.

This is just the beginning of why it is worth doing meditation with happy devotion. The good news is that everyone with willingness can do it.

Photo credits: Google images

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