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Fruits That Keep You Healthy

Fruits are by far nature’s most flavoursome sources of nutrition. These deliciously packed eatables contain singleton or a combination of vitamins, minerals, and folate that enhance physical and mental well-being.

A step ahead of fruits are super fruits that also contain unique combinations of antioxidants, phytonutrients and polysaccharides that not only improve physical well-being but also go a step ahead in enabling your body to prevent ailments.

Super fruits are also known to add to psychological well-being by having an impact similar to endorphins which instigate feelings of joy. Here, we have outlined the most nutritious fruits that enable you to maintain a healthy body and mind:

1. Apple

Apple is among the world’s most loved fruits. However, what isn’t commonly known about it is that it is a super fruit. The reason for this is that the green or red skin of apples contains quercetin (an antioxidant) which is packed with anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties.

In other words, eating apples will protect you from allergic reactions and heart disease. Moreover, a recent study has indicated that consuming at least 5 apples a week leads to better lung function. Apples also contain flavonoids (antioxidants) which lower the risk of asthma and diabetes.

 Nutritional value (1 me-dium-sized piece):

2. Avocado

Avocados are packed with fatty acids and mono-saturated fat that helps increase good cholesterol levels while reducing levels of LDL (bad cholesterol). They also increase the absorption of carotenoids including lycopene and beta-carotene which promote a healthy heart.

Nutritional value (1 medium-sized piece):

3. Banana

Bananas are rich sources of potassium i.e. around 422 mg per piece which help in curtailing high blood pressure. Moreover, they offer a healthy amount of resistant starch (healthy carbohydrate) which boosts metabolism.

 Nutritional value (1 medium piece):

4. Grapefruit

Grapefruits contain high levels of antioxidants and prevent heart diseases by lowering cholesterol levels. The deeper the red colour of grapefruits, the higher the antioxidant content. So, the next time you go grocery shopping be sure to pick the ruby variety. Grapefruits in addition to avocados allow for the complete detoxification of the body and it is among the main fruits served as part of a healthy yoga diet.

 Nutritional value (1/2 cup):

 5. Blueberries

A must-have for those who wish to delay old age; blueberries contain the highest amount of flavonoids which have been found to enhance memory and delay cognitive decline by nearly 2.5 years. This property of blueberries also helps in reducing the chances of degenerative cognitive ailments such as dementia. In addition to this, blueberries contain manganese which boosts metabolism allowing you to remain energetic and slim.

 Nutritional value (1/2 cup):

6. Blackberries

Blackberries owe their deep purple colour to anthocyanin (a powerful antioxidant) which is thought to protect against cancer and stroke. Its extract is also known to inhibit the growth of cancer cells in lungs and helps in alleviating gout-related symptoms.

 Nutritional value (1/2 cup):

 7. Cantaloupe

Cantaloupe contains vitamin A and its derivatives which are known to bring about a smooth and younger looking skin. It also enhances cell reproduction that allows for gentle exfoliation. Cantaloupe also contains a generous amount of beta-carotene (antioxidant) which protects against cataracts. Also, it has half the calorie count as compared to most fruits making it the perfect fruit for low-calorie diets.

Nutritional value (1/2 cup):

8. Cherry

Cherries contain the highest content of anthocyanin (antioxidant) which lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels and reduces blood vessel inflammation up to 50%. Cherries also assist in weight loss and relieve pain caused by gout and arthritis.

 Nutritional value (1/2 cup):

9. Cranberry

Cranberries possess antibacterial qualities and therefore are extremely effective in safeguarding against urinary tract infections and ovarian cancer. They enhance the efficacy of chemotherapy medicines used to cure ovarian cancer and slows the growth of cancer cells. Cranberries also prevent ulcers and kidney stones. Drinking one glass of cranberry juice (unsweetened) has been found to increase HDL (good cholesterol) levels by 10%.

 Nutritional value (1/2 cup):

10. Grapes

Grapes are packed with resveratrol (antioxidant) which protects against heart diseases by preventing blood clots and reducing blood pressure. They also stop the growth of stomach, breast and colon cancer as well as Alzheimer’s disease.

Nutritional value (1/2 cup):

 11. Kiwi

Kiwis contain a higher amount of vitamin C as compared to oranges and therefore are extremely advantageous to the development of cartilage, bones, gums and teeth. They are also effective in relieving digestive gripes and also protects against heart disease.

 Nutritional value (1/2 cup):

 12. Oranges

Consuming just one medium-sized orange is sufficient to satisfy your daily requirement of vitamin C and keep your immune system healthy. Their high folate and vitamin content makes them crucial for expectant mothers as it helps in preventing neural tube defects in babies.

 Nutritional value (1/2 cup):

13. Pomegranate

Pomegranates are one of the most beneficial super fruits on the planet; owing to their punicalagins (antioxidants) and punicic acid (conjugated linoleic acid) content. They possess anti-inflammatory properties that are effective in healing breast and colon cancer and diabetes. Moreover, they also reduce blood pressure, alleviate joint and arthritis pain, prevent heart diseases and improve memory in addition to an array of other potent medical benefits.

Nutritional value (1 medium piece):

14. Strawberries

Strawberries are rich in vitamin C, folic acid and antioxidants. They help in protecting the heart from atherosclerosis (a condition of hardened arteries) and inhibit the progression of cancer.

 Nutritional value (1/2 cup):

15. Tomatoes

Tomatoes contain lycopene (a potent antioxidant) which lowers cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of prostate cancer.

Nutritional value (1 medium piece):

These super fruits are best consumed unprocessed and can go a long way in preventing ailments if consumed in a balanced manner and on a regular basis.

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