Vote to your heart ! Voting is now open until the 10th of June 2019
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VMEDKIT wants to provide accessible solution to mental health and wellbeing
by providing virtual reality mindfulness meditation solution(VRMMS) via the webVR
to 5000 thousand affected people.
Hope for a Better Future (H4BF) Cooperative
and creation of peace clubs for long-term sustainability
Amadou Oury Balde
Plans to eradicate pollution in his city by mobilizing 1000 young leaders to train them on mindful practices and personal development. See detailed proposal
Vidjannagni Charles
teachers and vulnerable children thereby limiting suspensions from school
and other social ills. See detailed proposal
Nseabasi Akpan
mindfulness and photography skills that will train them to stay focus in order to pursue their potential career paths, be self reliant and contribute to their
community’s development.