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How to Balance? A Passage to a Happy, Prosperous and Fulfilling Life

One of the important things in life is the ability to balance it, to maintain life activities in all its different facets and levels. So often, happiness is neutralized and swiped away. It is not because we as humans cannot be happy alone; it is because of our day to day routines and how we manage our work and private life activities. In as much as work-life balance is important towards a happy life, it is often that one of these have played second fiddle to the other, making life so difficult and unmanageable for many.

In general, work-life balance essentially refers to a meaningful daily achievement and enjoyment in each of the four life quadrants that include family, work, friends and most importantly the strength and conviction of the self. A balanced life is one where we spread our energy and effort – emotional, intellectual, imaginative, spiritual and physical – into all areas of our life and ignite consistent commitment, focus and willpower in achieving that. Sharing is a healthy ingredient to happiness, and below is a list of some of the key areas recommended to focus on for living a happy, prosperous and fulfilling life:

1) Time management
Time management is the opium of a balanced life. Every minute used or lost is never retained back in our lives. It is the time that allows us to balance and help us utilise every minute we enjoy on this earth. Time management, though difficult, is the only way that one can be able to gauge and evaluate their commitment to all the important aspects and commitments that life offers. It is through time that we are able to set our priorities right and manage situations of, for example, greater time being devoted to professional development at the expense of family and relationships or other life aspects, among them the spiritual life, as well as body care and health.

2) Goal setting
It is quiet certain that we can never know where we are going if we do not know where we are and how far we want to go from the current position of locus. Life without goals is like a vehicle without fuel, it will never move no matter how important the journey may be. It is through goal setting that we are able to know how far we want to go, at what pace and utilising what resources. When we go to work, we must be able to set the goal of why we commit our time towards that and how much time we would want to commit. It is that relationship between goal setting and time management that can help balance between life and work and other related facets of decent and dignified lifestyle.

3) Habit and willpower development
In life, there is no sweet without sweat. If we are willing to give, that is the only way we can get something; moreover, if we are to give without expectation for the favour to be returned, happiness and contentment is guaranteed. What is most important though is that work-life balance is very much connected to habit development: how much committed and willing we are to let go bad habits and work harder towards accumulating good habits.

Life will deliver the value and balance that we desire when we are committed to achieving and enjoying something every single day as it comes in absolutely every aspect of humanity. The integration between one’s professional life and personal life is achievable if one is willing to lose some of the old habits and be equally mindful to live in the moment and accumulate routines that are positive and balanced in accommodation of all life facets. It is painful, time consuming but worthy committing towards. It is the willpower that is required in achieving it, and the willpower is the work of a clear and focused mind.

4) Self-development

One of the products of an imbalanced lifestyle is continued stress and unhappiness. Have you ever wondered why those seemingly successful business and professional people are always stressed and somewhat unhappy? The majority of people spend the greater part of their lives searching for success and trying to be better and more outstanding in a highly competitive modern world. Happiness comes from within, hence self-development and living in the moment are important to achieve a happy life. It is through a clear, focused mind that one can be content and closer to living an easy and simple life, inclusive of all facets, such as the financial, professional, family, physical and other related life aspects.

Be content and balance your life

A balanced, calm and modest life brings more happiness than the constant pursuit of success combined by constant restlessness. One of the most brilliant minds said that a peaceful mind and a peaceful life are the key to happiness. Let’s embrace a calm and modest way of a balanced life by living in the moment, taking one step at a time and moving each day as it passes!

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