Raising Happy Kids – How To Foster Inner Happiness, Inner Peace, And Confidence

Parenting kids nowadays is a herculean task, considering that the coming generation is niftier, more well-informed and have a cascade of information and communication available to them from around the world.

Parents have a great influence on the child’s development of self-confidence, security and to ‘feel comfortable in his own skin’. We can intrinsically motivate our child to stay directed knowing his talents, desires, and genetic propensities.

Every child is different from the other and mastering the art of parenting is an ongoing process. We, as parents, learn from experience and mistakes, keep ourselves informed of the ways of raising contented and poised kids, but, in the end, we have to develop our own secret formula that will work for our kids.

Happiness breeds happiness- Create the right ambiance- a sense of love, care, and discipline not only within yourself but in your home as well. The love and support that a child gets from home help him blossom both mentally and physically. It is our responsibility as parents to ensure that our next generation is a step ahead of us. The home should be a safe haven for them where they are listened to so that they do not keep their feelings bottled up inside them. Such children are emotionally stable and self-assured.

Instill Good morals and Values in Children:

Children learn what they see, they are very sensitive and keen. Little acts of kindness, empathy and gratitude go a long way in molding a child’s personality. If you respect your parents and empathize with them, are spiritual and discourage feelings of envy, resentment, prejudice and focus more on internal beauty rather than physical appearance, your child will follow the same.

Research shows such children are usually more at peace with themselves and happier as they know the importance of building and keeping relations.

Teach Self-Discipline:

The greatest human strength will power or self-control, the power to resist temptation is a quality that must be inculcated in children to help kids cope with stress and frustration. Self-discipline leads to greater happiness and inner peace. Encourage your child to meditate, practice yoga and exercise to feel more connected with himself.

Know your child:

Just like the water and sunlight requirement of each plant varies; each child is different from the other in their requirement of the level of attention and love. Some children are naturally strong, resilient and practical whereas others timid and needs encouragement. Expect effort from your child but not perfection.

Parents who expect too much from their child pressurize them to achieve what the child himself might not want or desire, creating unhappiness. On the other hand, parents who over-pamper their child, rob them of their ability to stand up for themselves and to face life challenges which in the long run can foster feelings of insecurity and low self-esteem.

Let your child learn from mistakes:

A child should know it’s alright to be wrong at times and have negative feelings. But he/she should also be taught to deal with such emotions by hearing them out and encouraging them to keep trying.

Parents need to keep a balance between being protective and support the child to think and act independently. Maybe you can make him understand why and where he went wrong, or still better motivate him to figure it out himself so that next time he is better prepared to deal with the situation.

Encourage a positive attitude:

Children who are taught optimism learn to keep happy even in times of extremes. They are better able to deal with anxiety, depression and are also physically more fit and do well in academics too.

More playtime:

Kids nowadays are so glued to their mobile phones, T.V and other technologies that they do not have time to play and exercise. It is also one of the reasons of childhood obesity. Researchers believe that this dramatic drop in unstructured playtime is in part responsible for slowing kids cognitive and emotional development. Unstructured play helps children learn how to share, work in groups, resolve conflicts negotiate, speak up for themselves and regulate their emotions and behavior.


Kids that spends time together with their parents, be it either during meals, exercising, household chores, gardening or doing fun activities like dancing, singing, playing or going on vacations together develops a lasting bond that promotes happiness.

Unconditional love- the roots and confidence- the wings, to help kids lead a happy and peaceful life.

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