Meditation workshops in Tajikistan

From September 28 to October 7, World Peace Initiative  held a series of meditation workshops in Tajikistan. The workshops covered different topics such as Stress Management and meditation, Finding happiness through inner peace, Meditation and self discovery. There were 9 workshops in three cities (Dushanbe, Khorog and Khujand) attended by around 350 people.

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Workshop coordinator and meditation trainer Kateryna Kulyk came from Thailand to present meditation and WPI Foundation in Tajikistan, and the local organizers Firuza Akramhon, Alibek Otamkekov and Gulrukhsor Safarova arranged all the local sessions.

We reached out to people of different background, age and religion and most of the participants gave us positive feedback, saying that they could really relax and feel the inner peace during meditations.

Do you consider meditating for half an hour difficult? Well, many of those who came to the workshops had never meditated before and yet they could do it. If one person can do it, you can do it too. Come and join us on our free online platform and start your free online self development program today. You will have a Peace coach, a person you can talk to about your meditation and your daily issues, a friend who will guide you through the program. And one day you will meet us in person, as WPI organises workshops all over the world, and our annual regional Bridge fellowship, applications for which are already open!

We are very grateful to our hosts who provided the venue for free and supported us in promoting the events – 55 Spirit Fitness, New Era Dance Studio, Bactria Cultural Center, American Corner Dushanbe. We hope for future cooperation and plan to arrange more events in Dushanbe and other places in Tajikistan.


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