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Meditation for people with learning disabilities

When I started working in Camphill, a community of adults with learning disabilities, I could not imagine that the residents would ask me to do meditation twice a day. However, it took me a while to find out the right way for engaging them in meditation.

I first tried to impart the style of meditation I know the most, vipassana. I adapted the wording and exercises to their cognitive abilities. However, although a few people did engage, others would rather fall asleep. Therefore, I always tried to keep the meditation no longer than 10 minutes so that everybody could stay awake during the whole session.

One day, when meditation already became a part of the new lock-down schedule, somebody played a meditation recording with a very calm music on the background. I was amazed to see that they all stayed seated for almost 20 minutes despite the hypnotizing tone of voice of the woman who was leading it. What was the secret for this success?

During this meditation, they were guided to the sea, the place where they would meet a whale and dive deep into the ocean. They  were also led to awaken the feeling of amazement for being able to breathe under water. At the end, they had some time to explore the depths of the ocean on their own while being hold by the peaceful music on the background. Any sense of threat was attenuated, and the guiding voice promoted feelings of security, unconditional acceptance of their being, and love.

This inspired me to adapt my meditations to prevent them from falling asleep and keep them engaged during the whole meditation session. After a few weeks, these were the adjustments I incorporated into the practice that proved to be positive for their meditation experience:








I hope that you found this article helpful and you enjoy doing meditation with people with learning disabilities. If you try it, you’ll discover that people with learning disabilities are naturally talented to connect with their inner nature. So don’t be afraid to try! 😉

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