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My journey with #PIPO at the World Peace Initiative Foundation (WPI): Let’s promote PEACE!

How it started

In 2015, Philippe Mensah HOUINSOU told me about Peace Revolution Project. I did not understand it very well at the time, but he continued inviting me to read about meditation and listen to self-development MP3. Later on, he was telling me about  the World Peace Initiative Foundation and about controlealing my temper and emotions. In fact, I was too hot at that time and he wanted me to experience the benefict of meditation as a way to calm my temper and be more peaceful in my mind.

When I started

In 2015, I had a vision and may be a dream. I dreamed of a Project that could gather all the West African young people in order to discuss and to think about the development of the continent. It was to be an annual gathering. I explained the Project to some of my friends and together we started planning the first edition. I found out the title of the Project: the WEST AFRICAN YOUNG LEADERS SUMMIT (WAYLS) during a night, when I could not sleep. This night, I sang and dansed, because I had seen it clearly. I visualized the Project and I felt it will become great in few years!

The WAYLS came true

The WAYLS came true in september 2015 and this year (2016) was the second edition. During this first edition, something happened to me and marked the begining of my quest for Inner Peace. I lost my temper during the second day, because of a simple situation which I could have avoided. I was very bad at the end and I decided to start meditating in order to control my anger and any kind of feeling and emotion that could affect me. Hence, the starting point of my journey with #PIPO.

The Self-development program on

I started a self-development program in january 2016. After two weeks of lessons, I started understanding how feelings and emotions could drive us do things we would not do when we are with a peaceful mind. I learnt how to meditate and I started getting used to my Inner Mind and the Center of my body. But then; I had many more to be taught.

My first Peace Fellowship in Cameroon

In March 2016, I had the chance to be selected for the Central and West Africa Peace Fellowship. It was my first contact with the Peace Revolution Crew and with Monks. I met many friends and I had the opportunity to ask many questions to Monk LP John in order to master meditation and to control my anger and temper. I had been given simple notions about temper management and how to cultivate my Inner Peace. The fellowship changed me a lot and I started to understand many of my mistakes. I learnt how to be with people, talk gently even when I am angry or irritated.

Back home, my first Special Opps

After the Fellowship, I became a Peace Rebel+. In that quality, I was able to organise the activity in my country to share what I have gained through Peace Revolution. I then organised an offline Special Opps that helped me to share my experiences with some of my friends and colleagues. It was a life change experience and many of them join the online self-development program.

Back hom, my first MINI PIPO

I organised a series of activity in some Secondary Schools. Under the leadership of Phillipe Mensah HOUINSOU, Benin Peace Architect, I have managed a MINI PIPO in four Secondary Schools mainly in Dangbo Secondary School, Application Secondary School, Lycee Behanzin and Lycee Toffa 1er.

My second Peace Fellowship in Thailand

Few months after, I was to take part in the AMANI PEACE FELLOWSHIP in Thailand. This was one of my best time with Peace Revolution. My meditation practice has so far been improved, but I was afraid when I was told that I will be meditating during one hour and 4 times a day. But finally, it was very useful for me to be present and I really enjoyed every part of the fellowship.

Today, I am a Peace Agent. I am happy for the way I went through and how did I improve my life in many ways. Everything is now possible with Inner Peace and I am blessed to be in. Meditation gives me the opportunity to know who I am and to decide on whatever will happen in my life.

This journal could not tell you everything about the benefits of meditation and self-development program. It is the reason why I advise you on the eve of the International Day of Peace to join Peace Revolution Project at: and to start your personal journey. Many things will happen to you, and I assure you that you will love each of them and each of them will positively change your life. Let’s share Peace today and forever!




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