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How the death of work can bring a new life

Have you ever faced the situation of working for days, weeks, months or even years on something that you love, and then one day it all disappears? All your work is gone, not even because of you, but some external conditions that happened and you were not able to control them. In 2016, I lost all the content of my website, Ethical Fashion Brazil. It was 5 years of extremely hard work and passion that suddenly vanished. I remember when I came to know about the “death of my work”, I felt like there was no gravity, like my body was empty and lighter, there was nothing to carry on anymore. I was perplexed, inert, absorbed in the sense of loss. There was no backup, no second chance, nothing. How shall I move on from there?

I took my time. I decided to enter in the court against the website host company without any lawyer. Somehow, I was confident of my right as a consumer and I fought with my own arguments. Many months passed when I finally won the cause, which means I won a great amount of money. But does money replace the result of your deep will and passion? I don’t think so. In our society, Justice converts efforts in money, although we know that money is not a value itself. Anyway, I accepted the rules of this material world and took the money. But what about my mind?

The key that helped me deal with all these concerns at the time was meditation, a process that I have been experiencing since 2013. At this time, I had started meditation from an online site via Peace Revolution. I realized that I was the owner of my thoughts (not a consequence of them or a victim of life’s circumstances), that I could just observe my thoughts and cultivate peace inside of me. So, it was meditation that helped me stay cool, be brave and move on. As Gandhi said:





I restarted. There was no fear or disappointment inside of me. I was prepared to rebuild my virtual house and identity, my website again. However, this time, I did it better and faster than before, with more wisdom, more tacit knowledge, more experience. I didn’t need to find my passion again, nothing like that. I was convinced that I am my way, I am my passion, I chose myself and I chose all the material and virtual stuff that will serve to my self-development. All that I needed to do was to let my inner door open for my passion to find me again.

I know I am my results and I know that the main goal is only the process to reach it. I appreciate too much my process to be a loser and a winner, without never losing myself. My passion for my website is a power inside of me. Meditation helped me recognize it, my own strength, my purpose, my passion. So, I took some of these perceptions and understandings as my own truths. They still help me keep practicing meditation and building my website.

To learn how to develop self-confidence for creating whatever you want, try the online Self-Development Program. Along 42 days, you’ll learn how to develop meditation and good habits, for example, how to feel strong enough to become your dreams.

Check this article also on Ethical Fashion Brazil – The story of Ethical Fashion Brazil.

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