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I just close my eyes to learn about myself

The gift of stillness continues to remind me of who I truly am. I appreciate the depth, the teaching, the encouragement and the humor that this retreat has brought me and the people…must not forget this gift.

The people I met while learning and doing meditation have taught me so much about myself than about anything else…made me realize that sometimes you can connect with a room full of people through meditation and yet at the same time you could be in a room surrounded by a 100 person but feel that you are the only one because that’s how meditation works — the ultimate aim is to become nothing…feel nothing, think nothing etcetera and this is achieved through complete stillness…that comes from within and leaves you feeling Sabaii!

I found Peace revolution meditation or maybe I should say Peace revolution found me almost 6 months ago when I had many challenges in my life namely depression. Through meditating every day, by and by, I could focus on mind on one thing, one positive thing, and in that focus, I would lose myself and forget that I was ever sad or depressed…and just be, be one with my center and align my center with that of the universe!

The hardest part was going back out there and facing reality again once I was done meditating and then how hard it was to sustain in that calm Sabai state the mediating left me with…but on and on, it became easier to see the good in everything around me especially the good in that which I or most of us would regard as something bad! GPM17 in general and meditation in specific was the catalyst for a huge shift in consciousness which has radically transformed the way I view life and “problems”…the way I approach and solve them. The gift of stillness continues to remind me of who I truly am. I appreciate the depth, the teaching, the encouragement and the humor that this retreat has brought me and the people…must not forget this gift. The people I met while learning and doing meditation have taught me so much about myself than about anything else…made me realize that sometimes you can connect with a room full of people through meditation and yet at the same time you could be in a room surrounded by a 100 person but feel that you are the only one because that’s how meditation works — the ultimate aim is to become nothing…feel nothing, think nothing etcetera and this is achieved through complete stillness…that comes from within and leaves you feeling Sabai! 🙂

by Maya Terro, Lebanon

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