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Apply for LATAM Peace Summit now!

World Peace Initiative introduces LATAM Peace Summit Latam Cumbre por la Paz 2016 will offer a three-day-long training for North America, Latin America and Caribbean residents. Thought as a peace gathering, where like minded change makers and peace activists will have the opportunity to talk about their own projects in peace building and also to unify and come up with new ideas on how can we keep promoting a Culture of Peace in our region through the practice of meditation.


On the other hand, LATAM Peace Summit will also provide participants (and outsiders) to take part of special coaching sessions with Buddhist monks called Meditation Clinic, where the following kind of topics will be discussed: (1) meditation and self-development; (2) how to overcome obstacles and problems in life; (3) tools to discover your mission in life; (4) daily discipline and achieving goals; (5) how to manage your responsibilities and enjoy life; (6) how to let go of a problem; (7) how to be happy right here right now; (8) how to deal with pain; (9) if you practice meditation you can ask about your experience and get guidance; (10) how to remain peaceful in everyday life; (11) practice that you can do to improve your relationship with family and friends; (12) learn about Theravada Buddhist monk’s life; (13) or suggest your own topic or question.

APPLYING FOR MEDITATION CLINIC: Contact Diana Barrios or Gabriela Torres at

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